Selecting a Radionics Machine
Choosing a radionics machine
When you first begin to look at radionics you can be overwhelmed with the vast number of machines on offer from various manufacturers. What I aim to do in this article is convey a few ideas and check-list which I use when purchasing a new machine.
Build quality:-
The build quality of the machine can tell you a lot. Take for example, a machine which is selling for a few thousand dollars and made of cheap and nasty mass produced materials, which may even hinder your success with the machine. When I see something along these lines I ask myself a question about the manufacturer, “what’s in it for them?” the answer is usually a ton of money. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with making money, the said manufacturers will be profiting from your failure and the machine which you bought for a lot of money will probably only act as a placebo.
On the other hand, there are some expensive radionics machines on the market which deserve the price tag. I know from personal experience that a high quality radionics machine will take an awful amount of time to construct, not to mention the build cost for the high quality components. What you are paying for is the Mages time and high quality materials/components which go into the machine. This can be crucial to your success with radionics.
A few basic rules:-
As a rule, I will consider a number of factors when purchasing or building a new machine.
Witness & trend:-
For an advanced and all encompassing machine you should be looking to make sure it has two plates or wells, a witness and a trend. This will allow you to tune into the target and deliver the trend all in one operation, which is far more potent than performing it separately. Of course simple three dial machines work well, but these can and should only be used to broadcast simple trends or outcomes for yourself as the operator.
You should look to ensure that the machine has at least six dials, preferably nine. In the case of the six dial machine there should be three dials for the witness circuit and three dials for the trend circuit. When looking at a nine dial machine, there should be three dials for the witness and six dials for the trend circuit. I find three dials tends to be more than enough for a witness circuit.
Stick pad:-
Although not imperative, every good radionics machine should have one. The stick pad will allow you to form a direct connection with the core of the machine and tune the dials accordingly. You could use a pendulum if the machine lacked a stick pad, but you may have better tuning results by using a machine with a built in rubbing plate.
It is my opinion that every good machine should have some form of quartz crystal tuning/storage device. The quartz is an ideal vessel for the thought form which is generated naturally by you the operator. It is this thought form which causes the outcome, or trend.
Input & output:-
If you really wanted to explore radionics then you may want to look at getting a machine which has both input and output jacks. These jacks will allow you to hook up a number of peripheral devices, which may enhance your overall operation.
A radionics machine should contain an orgone accumulator/generator of some description. The orgone matrix should contain 50% metallic and 50% organic whit added quartz to the body. This orgone accumulator will provide chi, which will sustain your thought form inside the machine. It will have the added benefit of allowing the thought form to gain in strength and manifest your trend at a much speedier pace.
Last but not least we come to the actual box itself. As a personal preference I build my machines inside wooden boxes, which allows for the free flow of orgone energy and also acts as an extra storage medium for the thought form. In addition it allows me to implement a number of alchemical formulas in a proprietary manner.
You should avoid metallic boxes as these just bounce the energies generated from the radionics circuit all over the place. Plastic boxes are the intermediary between wood/organic and metallic. The plastic can work just fine but this is usually dependent on the actual polymer used.
So there you have it, a few simple rules I follow, which allows me have remarkable results with all of my radionics machines. In the end, you should follow your intuition when searching for a machine, if you feel a calling then it may be worth investigating further. If it has some of the above features then all the better.

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